I use this brokerage platform for placing my trades sometimes.
It's very user-friendly and fast!
This is my another go-to platform for analyzing charts and checking market sentiment
It provides great premium features for free!
My ultimate platform for placing trades and buying shares.
Provides a great platform with no lag and other great features in its amazing tool - NestPlus
My ultimate platform for investment in US-listed companies such as Facebook, Google, etc.
Provides a great platform with the best feature - no cost! Yes, no commission on trades placed.
Just knowing about investments and companies, will not help to become wealthy!
It's important to have the right mindset, otherwise, librarians would be the richest people on earth!
Read this book to tune your mind for great success in life and in money matters!
This is an equally great book on building a wealthy mindset and easy to read as well!
Read this book to tune your mind for great success in life and in money matters!